Collaborators at the University of Notre Dame

The Dronology project collaborates with several researchers within the University of Notre Dame.

The Dronology team collaborates with Greg Madey, Vijay Gupta, and Christian Poellabauer.  Among other ongoing projects, we are funded together on a Smart Cities Planning Grant that explores the use of UAVs for emergency first responders.

SCC-Planning: Coordinated Autonomous Operation of UAVs in Urban First Responder Scenarios Award Number:1737496; PI :Christian Poellabauer; Co-PIs: Gregory Madey, Jane Huang, Vijay Gupta;  10/01/2017; $100,000.00

Dong Wang
researches in the area of  Social sensing and Crowd Sensing.  We are exploring the use of sUAS as the crowd for data collection purposes.